Thursday, February 16, 2012

Team Cake: Rocket to Cake

Team Cake : A Brief History of my Aion legion

Team Cake was the best twink legion on the Siel server on Infinite Aion, pre-wipe(Jan 2011). I am happy to say that playing with them were the most fun moments I have had on Aion. Only very few moments after that ( most of them playing for Saints in Siel on Gamez Aion) matched the fun I had killing for Team Cake. Team Cake started out small, a troll legion,and grew to epic proportions in the months after its creation. It reached its peak in November/December of 2010.

It started like this: I was bored. Being a lv52 ranger , with green and blue PVE gear (not made for pvp action) had me looking for the exit in this game. I was playing with Brandi(Jersey Puertorican girl living in Iowa, met on Swords, known for her big boobs and loudness), Chris ( known as Swords or Calad on Swords aka granado espada, pretty cool dude with great computer knowledge,from Louisiana) , Cuppy ( from europe( forgot the country), slightly ditzy, she was nice but had her bad moments), Matt( Japanese fanatic, from Australia, we would say he teach carrots(karate). Other guests were Julio, Falon, Cobriana, Dosu...

However they all disappeared. They sorta drifted off... Brandi quit playing ( she does this often). Chris grew bored,and at the time, his fancy for her made him inclined NOT to play. Cobriana quit when no one supported her( she also hated Brandi, saying her leadership of Aequitas[our legion at the time], was bipolar and stupid). Cuppy got busy with her college. Matt had computer problems. The group I played with for August and September dissipated. I still continued though. I wanted to try something different. Something I won't need a group of players to accomplish. I wanted to be a twink. I also switched classes to Spiritmaster. Why? I was on Youtube and saw this video and it made me fall in love with the class

A Spiritmaster controls pets or spirits,and use damage over time skills and controlling magic( like a necromancer class) to destroy enemies. They use Spirits of Fire, Wind, Water,Earth,and a super spirit (dependent on race, elyos use Tempest, and asmos use Magma). I watched the video above many times. I wanted to have a spirit companion. It was like Pokemon or Final Fantasy to me....being able to summon other beings to aid me in fights. It was a partnership of chaos and grace, destroying everyone and everything.
SM with Wind Spirit
SM with Fire Spirit
Left to right(Magma,Water(lv2),Wind(Lv4), Fire(lv4),Tempest,Earth(lv4) spirits

SO I chose to be a Spiritmaster twink. A twink is a character funded by a higher leveled character, usually over geared and low leveled. So I used by 52 ranger to make money to level a female spiritmaster to 32. The server I played on was big on twinks. Many low levels characters, ranging from 28-45, were twinks. Twinks were plague on this server. If you joined Siel, on IA, and attempted to level to 55(cap on Aion at the time) you will be constantly killed while you do your little quests, killed mobs, running around the  large maps in the lowbie range. Twinks were horrible. However I thought I would join in on this war. I wanted not only to kill the invaders but to invade the enemy race's lands and teach them to fear me. I was really into the whole behind enemy lines aspect of rifting. Now all this might sound strange to those not familiar with the game. So a brief explanation of the rift and race wars.

Aion has two opposing races: Elyos and Asmodians. One live in the warmer more luscious lands bathe in sunlight. These look more like humans and elves. Asmodians are more bestial, have fur backs and tails, can have darker skin tones, with claws and red glowing eyes during combat. Asmos looked like dark elves or drow(for the people familiar with fantasy) and come from colder harsher climates. Not going to tell you the whole story,but the two races kill each other. There planet which looks like mostly eaten apple , separates the two races. Only way to travel to the opposing race lands is through rifts. These are dimensional gates, or wormholes that connect to certain locations around the planet. If you are an Elyos , and go through one, you are in enemy territory, and you are going to kill or be killed. This is the fun part of Aion, for me. Killing invaders( I would patrol the lands like some police car) ,or go into the rift and do some killing there. Also the  area known as the abyss, is a space like zone, with flight, and was a no mans land. That was also a place to kill.
map of the planet
Crazy pic of the planet


So I got myself a good set called Daevonian. It required me to make 5 characters,and do a quest at lv 30,then transfer the one piece of gear through a safe house system. I used money farmed on my lv 52 to max the gears out. I then proceeded to twink it out. I did this solo for 3 weeks. During that time I learned the ins and outs of playing a low level SM. I killed in Eltnen, roamed Morheim, flew around the Abyss. I made few twink compadres, like Cisne, and Jorgevnzl.  However by the end of September, things started changing a lot. 

       Brandi came back. Hanging out with her, I updated her on what I was doing, and she attempted to do it too. In fact she owes me still for helping her make a twink =P. Us two made a legion, on a whim. We called it Team Rocket. We started getting a bit of reputation. My Sm was named Holytempest, and she was being called out on enemy global chat channels whenever I attacked. Soon asmos started saying " Team Rocket is".We were very corny about it too. We made macros translated for asmodians " PREPARE FOR TROUBLE!!!" And when we were 3 seconds from dying we would shout "Team Rockets blasting off again!!!" Asmos loved that shit. I always had a laugh,cuz I know how stupid it was. 
      Brandi's cleric was a great partner. Chris soon came back. It seemed like the ball started rolling. At some point we met pair named Mismagius and Reptar. Reptar was a FTW name. If you know where Reptar's from, pat yourself on the back, means you grew up during the 90s. Reptar was a laid back and overall cool dude named Tom. Mismagius was this Cambodian chick from Jersery named Lina. She was awesome as hell. She would say some funny random things. Tom and Lina were from Cake legion. We saw them rifting , grouped up, had a good time pvping together. I pressured Brandi to combined with them, a legion merger. I asked Tom about it, and 20 minutes later we became Team Cake.
      This began the great run of Team Cake. One of the greatest things to happen was finding Gil. Gil is a fucking funny ass Chinese dude from Canada. There's no way to describe how he talks(we all played on Ventrilo), and the shit he would say. It was amazing addition, he played Templar, and was Mvp in my books. With him came his friend Sherman. Over the coming months we had additions like Razagall(christian indian dude would tell us not to curse, then start yelling out shit when he was dying), Shh, Kidkid( late comer, experienced in the game would become a good friend of mine), Xelx(Canadian playboy, dude was cool as hell), Damien, and about 15 more who I have forgotten the names of XD. 

Team Cake really dominated the twink pvp on the server.I tell you this ,because we often ran into major opposition with just our name being mentioned on enemy lfg. We ran with a solid group usually comprised of Me, brandi, Tom, Gil,lina, chris, Xelx. Chris and sherman join in sometimes too. At our strongest we took took down lv 50-55s. We created vendettas with enemy legions like Katanas. I myself could beat anyone 1v1 in my level range. Only mres defeated me, but only because I ran with a full HP build, back when people didn't really use mres. My 6-7k hp at lv 40 made me a tanky cloth wearing mofo. I was commonly targeted first(although our clerics also were prime targets),and that's because of my skill called Fear. Fear is like a paralysis of 8-10 seconds, or more. I can do it to groups too. With fear, my group often times won easily.Without it, I did a lot of support action. Spiritmasters aren't burst damage. They are control types. However you can kill quickly depending on weapons and play style. I won most of the time because if I go for broke, my fear and HP made me last long enough for my damage over time skills and pet to destroy you.

Team Cake defended Eltnen, killed morhiem. Soon, we ran more into higher lv players than twinks. The fun was being drained. Our legion grew big, and we had pvp combat exams for possible candidates. We became elitist in that respect,but overall we joked and trolled all around. Team Cake died out though. When the server administrator announced a wipe in order to transition the alpha stage server to beta, the population pretty much quit. It was announced a month ahead of time. Why play if it didn't mean anything....that was the response most players had. I lved to 52 or 53. I dueled some lv 55 from the top legions and won. Even in my lowbie twink gear, my class was overpowered at 1v1. The curtains closed though,and Team Cake went with it. From then on, I didn't play IA as much,barely at all. I switch to another server,sometimes to another game.

Incredibly for its 4 month run, I had a lot of fun. Looking back now, that was during a time in my life, having graduated from college, where I didn't worry a lot. I didn't stress about life or my future. I just played games. I played games without having to stress out. Looking back now though I also regret this laziness of mine. My active playing of Aion delayed my current development. I'll talk about that in time.